Contact and Support

New Hampshire Hunger Solutions works to improve the lives of all New Hampshire children by helping to eradicate food insecurity in families. We focus on the success of the whole child, considering every aspect of his or her development and what it takes to thrive. Policies and programs addressing poverty are a priority for us, since research proves it is the single greatest threat to kids’ future well-being and success.

Food Insecurity Areas of Focus

Family and Community
From the very beginning, children’s families and communities shape their world. Children need healthy and stimulating places to live, play, learn and grow.

Economic Well-Being

Economically stable homes and communities strengthen kids and improve their academic achievement.

Health and Wellness

A child’s physical and behavioral health shapes his or her foundation for future growth and development.

NH Hunger Solutions is Supported by:

Contact Us:

Send an email to [email protected]

Mail: PO Box 3477, Concord, NH  03302

Phone: 603.225.2264